Welcome to the web site of Algood church of Christ
It is our earnest belief that there is a God and He is our Creator. Because of the fall of man, He sent his only Son, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior to die on the cross for the remission of our sins. We strive to be the church that Christ built. We do everything possible to teach, do, say, and put into action the principles found in God's word.
We are active in the local community and both domestic and foreign lands.
We have Bible classes for all ages.
You are invited to join us:
Bible Study ........................... 9:00 AM
Morning Worship................... 10:00 AM
Evening Bible Study............. 5:25 PM
Evening Worship................... 6:00 PM
Ladies Bible Class ………… 10:00 AM (September – May)
Bible Study............................ 7:00 PM